Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Read Precision Medicine and the Reinvention of Human Disease on ScienceDirect

It is regrettable that many of my textbooks are unaffordable to the majority of the potential market. For Example, Precision Medicine and the Reinvention of Human Disease sells on Amazon for $125. This book contains nearly a quarter-million words, and it must have cost the publisher a lot of money to print and distribute, but I certainly wish it could have been sold at a lower price.

As a remedy, for some of you, this book is being marketed by Elsevier (the owner of the Academic Press imprint under which is was published) through ScienceDirect, a subscription online book catalog bought by university libraries. This means that if you have online access to a university library that has paid for a ScienceDirect subscription, you may have free access to my book.

Precision Medicine and the Reinvention of Human Disease was published January 30, 2018, and it is possible that your university library may have a ScienceDirect subscription that does not yet access my book. After speaking today with my editor, it's my impression that ScienceDirect access for libraries is something akin to cable channel access for homes. You can add access to specific books or you can add access to bundles of books that cover areas of interest. If you have access to ScienceDirect, but your university doesn't yet have access to my book(s), please talk to your librarian and ask if he/she will add my Elsevier publications to their ScienceDirect subscription.

There is an excellent preview of Precision Medicine and the Reinvention of Human Disease at the Google books site.

- Jules Berman

key words: precision medicine, ScienceDirect, library acquisitions, book subscriptions, jules j berman Ph.D. M.D.

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