Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Neoplasm synonym look-up

I just created a web site that permits anyone to enter the name of a neoplasm and retrieve all of the synonyms and all of the related terms for the entry term.

The search engine is available at:


It uses the Developmental Lineage Classification and Taxonomy of Neoplasms, which consists of over 135,000 neoplasm terms. This open source dataset is available as compressed RDF, text or XML files:

The gzipped version of the RDF file (under 1 Megabyte)


The flat file version, listing each term followed by its lineage (gzipped file).


The plain old XML version, with no RDF semantics (compressed gzip file).


The plain old XML version, with no RDF semantics (compressed zip file).


More information on uses for the Developmental Lineage Classification is available from my home page.

- Jules J. Berman

key words: ontology, tumors, cancers, neoplasia, medical terminology, nomenclature, dictionary, concept unique identifier, medical terminology, concept identifier, neoplasm classification, taxonomy

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